Dr Abiosè M O Haara MD
Earth’s Pioneering Authority
on Post-Contemporary Art.

  • "Post-Contemporary Art is a forward-looking philosophy distinguished by a re-constructive, global, human ethos which posits that sensory experience is universal to humanity, and that this experience can inspire understanding and transformation.


While working on my relaunch as an artist into the high-luxury to luxury sector, I decided to delve into great women of Sweden, through Dagens Industri. Upon discovering you, I took my time to actually discover you.

I connected to your fighter flight saying
“That's cool! I've been copilot in Cessna and Diamond... but you win😂!”

To which you responded

After these pleasantries, you would go on to continue living, sharing your opinions which I would reflect on, to consider alignments.

Then you one day you shared yourself saying: “Sen skulle jag vilja säga, “sälj” är någonting som vi brister på i det här landet. För vi har inte en sälj kultur, det är ju fullt att vara säljare. Men utan försäljning så har vi ingen verksamhet. Det spelar ingen roll…”

So I reached out.


From what I have read about you in creating your dosier, your journey is a remarkable narrative that embodies a spirit of unwavering resilience and ambition. I am glad to have your superpower be a part of the legendary portfolio I am forging.

