
Memories to Masterpieces

I’m Abiosè M O Haara,
a Scandinavian based artist.
I paint your special memories
live and in my studio with the
Lux of Light and Vibrancy,

Studio Masterpieces

Through the hands of Time,
I alchemise your conventional
photos and videos into significant
Great Masterpieces in my

Live Experiences

Through the hands of Time,
I elevate your special moments
into Great Masterpieces of
experiential significance
L I V E.

Profound Philosophy

I do this from the vantage point of
being the world’s pioneering authority
on Post-Contemporary Art,
- Globe Muse -
for legendary & significant global impact.

  • I am the world's pioneering authority on Post-Contemporary Art.

    On Instagram, I am followed by and taught by the CEO of all of Sotheby's; one of the world's largest brokers of fine and decorative art, jewellery, collectibles, and real estate. It has 80 locations in 40 countries. I have also an established relationship with Helsingborg’s Auction House.

    Having strategically set up my pathway, I subsequently realised and declared Post-Contemporary Art from "Post-Contemporary".

  • Post-Samtida konst förklarar jag som en framåtblickande filosofi, präglad av en rekonstruerande, global, mänsklig etos som hävdar att sinnesupplevelsen är universell för mänskligheten och att denna upplevelse kan inspirera förståelse och transformation.

    Som konstnär fördjupar jag mig i vår mest heliga uttrycksform av kärlek och drivkraft, och kombinerar detta med min bakgrund som läkare, självlärd student av yogafilosofi och konsthistoria. Mina verk är övervägda biosemiotiska uttryck av parietal konst genom den parietala delen av vår hjärna, vårt primära sensoriska område, för att exakt identifiera rekonstruktion som i sig själva nya teorier om upplevelse. Detta blir sedan vår musa för global upphöjelse och interplanetär utforskning.

  • Post-Contemporary Art I declare a forward-looking philosophy distinguished by a re-constructive, global, human ethos which posits that sensory experience is universal to humanity, and that this experience can inspire understanding and transformation.

    As an artist I soak myself deeply in our most sacred expression of love and drive; and combine this with my background as a physician, a self-taught student of yogic philosophy and art history.

    My works are deliberated biosemiotic expressions of parietal art through the parietal part of our brain; our primary sensory area; to pinpoint reconstruction as in and of themselves new theories of experience. This then becomes our muse for global elevation and interplanetary exploration.




Info & Offer

  • "...In order to sell through us, we recommend that you should have previously sold for a minimum of £6000 / $8000 and..." - Sotheby's

    "... Anything less than that, there's no point." - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

    "Kindly be informed that my offers started there and are now north of that." - Dr Abiosè

  • I have crafted this offer specifically for 24 Clients of Proms & Weddings


    60 CM
    € 2 4 . 7 K

    postage & packaging
    thus, not included


    60 CM
    € 2 4 . 7 K
    travel & accommodation
    thus, not included