The Home Ateljé
A Divine Directed
Winter Solstice 2024

The Home Ateljé - A Divine Directed Sculpture.

During my studies of Art History, I encountered content put out by 2019 CEO of all of Sotheby’s, that led me to stumble upon the map above.

In a transcendental way, it reminded me of a conversation I had while in Grenada with a man who died a few days after I met him.

He said “Learn to Read Maps”.

When he said this, it felt like a “transcendental” conversation, rather than it just being able to go from point A to B in a literal manner.

So when this particular map would come into my path, I would pay attention. A short few weeks later, so too came the house...

The Home Ateljé - A Divine Directed Sculpture, 440K+, Winter Solstice 2024